Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Latest Book

The Block Mess Monster hit the book stores on June 1, 2008! It got a great Kirkus Review and was immediately picked up by the Children's Book of the Month Club. I hope it all translates into more work and more money!


The Gomes Family said...

This is a great book everyone should pick it up!

Kirsten said...

I got this on Amazon as soon as it was out and my whole family loves it. I plan on getting all past and future books illustrated by the great C. B. Decker for our children's library. I can brag that I know the illustrator!! I'm glad you've got a blog Cindy! It'll be nice to keep up with what you're doing.

Larry & Erica Evans said...

Ok, I just ordered the book. Looks super cute! Oh, I googled you...yes YOU! And I found this

They want a bio on you for their JacketFlap site.


Larry & Erica Evans said...

Got the book and LOVE it!!!

Tina said...

I read this book to my girls yesterday and they loved it! I love the illustration, the look the mom gives, ha! You are SO talented!! Love ya!!

CBDecker said...

Thanks you guys for saying such nice things. And I apologize for not responding sooner, but I'm new to this blog thing and couldn't figure out how to reply on my own blog. Duh...I finally got it.
And Erica...I don't know how I got on jacketflap, but they've been sending me stuff and one of these days I'll fill out the personal stuff. THANKS!!!